Bachelor of Arts in Theology Program is Opening Soon

Dear friends,

We are going to announce the first Bachelor of Arts in Theology program soon. This course will be available ONLY online study system. We will update you about course soon.

Please open the link for your information.

Bachelor Degrees Programs



Visit to UCSI University and Help University in Malaysia

Yangon, December 30, 2019


The founding President of Joseph Education Institute visited USCI University and Help University in Malaysia on 30 December 2019. The purpose of his visit was to explore educational collaboration of franchising USCI programs in Myanmar with JEI. During his visit, Mr. Roland Lee, a Consultant, arranged all his meetings with different universities.


Our president met with Ms. Doris, who is Global Engagement Officer of UCSI, giving a full explanation and possible programs between JEI and UCSI in 2020. @by Joseph Kung Za Hmung